
initial dance/ballet dress/tutu chain necklace - birthday/holiday/party - dance performance - girls/kids/teens/ladies/adults

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initial dance/ballet dress/tutu chain necklace - birthday/holiday/party - dance performance - girls/kids/teens/ladies/adults

initial dance/ballet dress/tutu chain necklace - birthday/holiday/party - dance performance - girls/kids/teens/ladies/adults initial dance/ballet dress/tutu chain necklace - birthday/holiday/party - dance performance - girls/kids/teens/ladies/adults initial dance/ballet dress/tutu chain necklace - birthday/holiday/party - dance performance - girls/kids/teens/ladies/adults initial dance/ballet dress/tutu chain necklace - birthday/holiday/party - dance performance - girls/kids/teens/ladies/adults

initial dance/ballet dress/tutu chain necklace - birthday/holiday/party - dance performance - girls/kids/teens/ladies/adults

Police are not classifying the incident as a hate crime, however, and said the message repeated dialogue that an actor said in the popular television show, “The Office.”. “It was a line said by the star of the series to one of his employees during season 6 episode 25,” Alameda police Lt. Hoshmand Durani said via e-mail. “It’s readily available on YouTube. Our case is closed and there’s no further police follow-up.”. The graffiti left at Edison follows racist tags being spray-painted at five locations at the school last November and a Jewish student at Alameda High School recently received a series of anti-Semitic text messages from a classmate.

Yet, they weren’t about to let that little detail derail the time machine, “Are you ready to party like it’s 1999 again?” Backstreet Boy Kevin Richardson asked the crowd assembled on Sunday night at Shoreline Amphitheatre, initial dance/ballet dress/tutu chain necklace - birthday/holiday/party - dance performance - girls/kids/teens/ladies/adults “Because we are going to take a trip down Memory Lane.”, And off we zoomed, to a time before One Direction, We went back to the distant days when the Backstreet gang was the world’s top boy band, ruling the charts and capturing millions of hearts, It was a journey to an earlier “Millennium,” to borrow the title of the Boys’ smash album of 1999..

Members: 91. Notable appearances: 68 Rose Parades. Social media: Individual bands on Facebook, Instagram. Website: www.1stmardiv.marines.mil/Units/1ST-DIV-BAND. Still Serving America. (Phoenix Decorating Company). A giant eagle with wings outstretched and American flags adorn this float, presented by the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization — which, by the way, was chartered by Congress in 1919 and this year is celebrating its centennial. Leona Valley. About the unit: Formed in 1991 for the following year’s Rose Parade, the Spirit of the West riders have a passion for preserving America’s Western heritage. Today, the 16 riders — aboard Quarter, Paint, Tennessee Walker and Azteca horses — hope to bring awareness to the work of the John Wayne Cancer Foundation in Newport Beach.

“Bugs are everywhere, on every square meter on planet earth,” initial dance/ballet dress/tutu chain necklace - birthday/holiday/party - dance performance - girls/kids/teens/ladies/adults said naturalist Trent Pearce, who’s leading the program, “They’re fascinating and wonderfully diverse and can be really strange to look at.”, The Bug Rodeo is from 1:30 to 3 p.m, at the Tilden Nature Area, Call 510-544-2233 for information, All ages welcome, no registration necessary, Camping: You don’t need to schlep all the way to the Sierra if you want to go camping, The East Bay Regional Park District offers hundreds of campsites for families, groups, equestrians and backpackers, Summer weekends are typically pretty crowded, but plenty of great campsites are available midweek for a quick getaway to the great outdoors..

That is what in-demand British choreographer Wayne McGregor did in his 2017 work “Autobiography,” which gets its West Coast premiere via San Francisco Performances in March. McGregor, principal choreographer for London’s Royal Ballet, brings his own company to perform the evening-length piece set to music by Indiana electronic musician Jlin. Expect McGregor’s trademark blend of chaotic and languid movements and stellar production values that vividly unveil the mind of a man with a stunning abundance of ideas about science, society and art.

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