Once you get your Pokemon out in the world protecting gyms, it's time to collect some coin! Go to the Shop. In the upper right side of the screen you will see an icon that looks like a shield. Tap on it and the game will ask you if you're sure you want to use your Defender Bonus. Confirm and you will be given 10 PokeCoins and 500 stardust for each Pokemon you have assigned to a gym. The Defender Bonus icon looks like a shield and is found at the top of the screen. It would be nice if you could just run around assigning Pokemon to gyms while collecting loot after each assignment, but alas, it doesn't work that way. The Defender Bonus has a cool-down time of 21 hours, so you can only collect your coins once in that time period.
Since you can only assign one Pokemon per gym, you need to go to various gyms, place your Pokemon and quickly collect your PokeCoin before your Pokemon are defeated, To win battles so you can take over gyms, read how gym battles work in Pokemon Go, and about how Pokemon Go changed battles for the better, and then iphone screen protector liquid check out our Pokemon Go pro-tips by people who play too damn much, If this seems like too much work, you can assign one Pokemon to a gym per day and still collect the bonus, The coins will add up, Plus, the extra stardust will help you level your Pokemon so that they can better defend your gym..
Don't pay real money for PokeCoins. If grinding for the items you need in Pokemon Go is getting old, you can buy them in the Shop. Poke balls, incense, lucky eggs, incubators, lures, storage and bag upgrades need to be purchased with PokeCoin, though. You have the choice of spending real money to purchase PokeCoins, but if you're low on cash you can earn PokeCoin just by playing the game. As of right now, there is only one way to earn PokeCoin; that may change as updates are added. Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage you to read. Discussion threads can be closed at any time at our discretion.
The Chrome 52 update boasts massive video improvements, such as how quickly video playback starts, Prior to 52, tapping a play button on a video resulting in a iphone screen protector liquid 1- to 2-second lag between hitting play and the video actually starting, You can see this demonstrated in the video below, The video playback should also be smoother and have less impact on your battery, Aside from that, video now works with Data Saver to cut back on your data consumption, Data Saver is a feature that has existed in Chrome for Android for a while now, Instead of loading a full web page on your phone, the site is first compressed on a server before downloaded to Chrome on your device, reducing the data consumption on your end..
When Data Saver is enabled, it can reduce your consumption in Chrome by a surprising amount. In just 15 minutes of loading web pages, it managed to save about 21 percent of the data I would have used -- 20.79MB instead of 26.43MB. Over time, even if the percentage isn't as high, the savings would be much more drastic. For video, Google says Data Saver will save you as much as 50 percent on data by viewing a "lightweight version" of the videos you watch. Data Saver is a feature you will only find inbuilt in Chrome on Android. To use Data Saver on Chrome OS or in a Chrome desktop browser, you will need to install the official Data Saver extension.