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ZTE Vice President of Technology Planning and Partnerships Jeff Yee announcing Project CSX during CES 2016. Users can submit their ideas through ZTE's forum, Z-Community, and up-vote other ideas that they like. If you submit the best idea you can win cash prizes, a trip to CES 2017 in Las Vegas or early access to the final product. There are some guidelines, however. Ideas for Project CSX have to relate to a mobile product. The technology must be plausibly achievable by 2017, and the final device must be affordable to the masses. (There goes my idea of a phone made only of caviar and angel tears -- womp, womp.).

ZTE launches its Project CSX initiative, an entirely crowdsourced phone designed by fans, Think you know what it takes to make a great phone? Apparently ZTE thinks you know, too, Originally announced earlier this year during CES 2016, ZTE finally launched Project CSX today, Project CSX is a crowd-sourced initiative where fans submit ideas for the the company's next phone, Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic, We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage you to read, x iphone case amazon Discussion threads can be closed at any time at our discretion..

Over 10 days, I took more than 5,000 photos. Photos of people camping inside old airport terminals, living in abandoned buildings, in tent encampments under bypasses. Two stand out because of what I saw and felt. The first was on the island of Lesvos, where hundreds of thousands of migrants came ashore last year on overcrowded boats from Turkey. A view of the life jacket memorial on Lesvos at sunset, with Turkey in the far distance. It's a still life of life vests at sunset. The locals call the site the life jacket memorial. Sometimes the mountain of misery. The photo is quiet. There are no people here, but their stories are. Each life jacket represents someone's decision to leave the fighting and bloodshed at home and head into an unknown future they hope will be safer.

I'd heard about the memorial and was determined to photograph it, That turned out to be harder than I'd expected because no one we asked knew exactly where it was, One person would send us off in one direction, while the next pointed us to some place different, One day Rich Nieva and Ben Fox Rubin, my colleagues, and I followed every lead we got, We even drove nine miles following, "On the left, x iphone case amazon past the goat farm." We saw a few goats, but no goat farm and no mountain of jackets, We drove back to our hotel, where I asked a young man standing outside if he knew where it was, He didn't, but I wouldn't give up..

James Martin, CNET senior photographer, captures the life jacket memorial on Lesvos, Greece, in June 2016. We headed out again in a new direction and, nine miles later, found a nearly deserted refugee camp staffed by just one man at the gate. He pointed back to where we had come from: "200 meters past the Sunrise Hotel," he told us. It was getting dark. Ben and Rich were hungry. But we agreed to make one more try. So we turned around and drove back up that steep and twisty dirt road for another six miles to the Sunrise Hotel. And about 200 meters past it, we found a trail, even rockier and bumpier than the dirt road we'd been driving for the last two hours.

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