What's that I hear about Pokemon Go stealing my Google data?. Stealing is a strong word. More like accidentally having access it probably shouldn't have -- and only if you're using a Google account on an iPhone, and only if you have a time machine. The company fixed it in a update. When do I get to own people's faces with my Pokemon?. Once you get to level 5, you can head over to a gym and battle its Pokemon to claim it for your team. You can't own other players' faces -- at least not yet. Do I get anything else for leveling up?.
Why are people walking around with a light-up Pokemon button / bracelet?, That's the Pokemon Go Plus, It costs $35, and it lets you catch Pokemon without pulling out your phone, I was going to say "catch Pokemon without really trying," but you'll be trying to re-pair the Bluetooth fairly often, Isn't that cheating?, No, This is cheating, Can I trade Pokemon with friends?, Not yet -- but the developer says that feature is coming, How long can I play Pokemon Go before it drains my wallet?, As penis pattern iphone case long as you can stay the hell away from the in-game purchase screen..
Coins can buy you items that power up your Pokemon, but you could just walk past a lot of PokeStops to get items, and maybe you'll be able to get some coins by battling at gyms. Why do some Pokemon have gender symbols next to their names? Are they Spice Girls?. In the original Pokemon games, gender was rare and mostly irrelevant: It just meant a Pokemon named Nidoran could transform into two different versions. (The female could become Nidorina, the male Nidorino.) It appears to be the same here.
What do I get if I catch them all?, What do you do with all the duplicate Pokemon?, You can trade them to Professor Willow in exchange for candy, Tap the Pokeball button at the bottom of the screen, then select a duplicate Pokemon and hit Transfer, The candy will be of the same type as the Pokemon you trade in, (And if penis pattern iphone case Soylent Green is made of people, does that mean..), Why is this old man giving me candy and should I take it because my mommy told me never to take candy from strangers?, Candy is delicious..
And, separately, in Pokemon Go, it'll help you upgrade your Pokemon. How do I upgrade Pokemon?. You need Stardust and Candy. Which you'll get naturally by playing the game and trading in Pokemon. Tap the Pokeball button at the bottom of the screen, then select Pokemon, then the specific Pokemon you want to enhance. You can evolve them with Candy alone. Here's way more info on how to upgrade and evolve. Bonus fun: There's an Easter egg for evolving Eevees. What are the eggs for?. Put them in an incubator (you already have one to start), then walk the specified distance in the real world. The egg will hatch and out will pop a Pokemon. Here are the best hatching tips.